Eltern-Kind-Brücke e.V.

State-approved International Adoption Service


The decision to adopt a child, especially a child from another country, is a process. That is why we want to make our services as varied and intensive as possible.

For adoptive and foster families, we offer the following counselling and crisis intervention:

  • Individual counselling
  • Personal coaching to help with difficult life issues
  • Parental counselling
  • Counselling for couples
  • Counselling for infertility
  • Support in the search for the adopted person's origins.
  • Counselling for parents of origin

Dates by appointment

First counselling: € 90,- /hour

Follow-up coaching: € 100.-/hour

Depending on income, subsidised special arrangements are possible.

A lack of money should not be an obstacle to getting the support you need for prevention!


Eltern-Kind-Brücke e.V.

International Adoption

Wernher-von-Braun-Str. 18
69214 Eppelheim / Heidelberg

Tel: (06221) 83 31 48 and (06221) 33 94 20

Fax: (06221) 83 31 38
e-mail: info@ekb-pcb.de

Office hours

Mo-Thu: 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m
Wed: 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m and on appointment

Support our work!​​

Become a supporting member of the Parents-Child-Bridge

If you have any questions about international adoptions, please contact us!


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