Adoptions from Taiwan
Adoptions from the Republic of Taiwan are carried out in cooperation with CATHWEL SERVICE (CS), an independent and also financially independent NGO (Non Governmental Organisation) in Taipei, Taiwan since 1984.
CS arranges adoptions both domestically and abroad according to the principle of 'open adoption', i.e. if the family of origin so wishes, they should be willing to maintain regular written contact (via Cathwel, never directly!), usually once a year, until the child reaches the age of majority. Cathwel also has extensive experience of so-called root journeys. Families with their adopted children and also adult adoptees are carefully accompanied before, during and after the meetings with their families of origin.
Taiwanese adoptive parents often reject the open form of adoption for traditional socio-cultural reasons, particularly the often difficult family background of the children.
As a rule, regular Skype meetings are held with the child once the proposal has been accepted. The adoptive parents are usually invited to Taiwan for the court hearing. At this time, the first personal meeting with the child takes place, if possible also a meeting with the mother of origin, both accompanied by Cathwel's social workers.
Der Altersunterschied zwischen Adoptivbewerbern und dem adoptierten Kind sollte nicht größer sein als 45 Jahre! Aktuell wird vor allem ein Bedarf an Bewerbern für Kinder ab 4+ Jahren oder für „special needs Kinder“ gemeldet. Mit Wartezeiten von mindestens 2 Jahren ist zu rechnen, je nach Alter und Kinderprofil, aber auch je nach Anliegen der leiblichen Eltern, die Länderwünsche oder andere Präferenzen angeben dürfen.