Eltern-Kind-Brücke e.V.

State-approved International Adoption Service


As a state-approved Adoption Service, Parents-Child-Bridge must fulfil all professional and personnel requirements without receiving state subsidies. This means that the entire work is financed by the processing fees. These are costs for legal assistance. The child to be adopted is completely free of charge. free of charge.

Im Vorfeld eines Adoptionsverfahrens über unseren Dienst bieten wir ausführliche telefonische Informationsgespräche an. Persönliches Kennenlernen und Einzelfallberatung in unserem Hause ist nach Absprache ebenfalls möglich (€ 90,- max. 90 Minuten)

Domestic costs

Our flat-rate domestic fee for processing your application, including the special suitability check, the final in-country interview and the administration fee, is €5,280. This is payable in three instalments over the course of the adoption process.

Costs abroad

Country fees for the adoption process are charged separately. Depending on the country, the fees range from €10,900 to €20,000.

An additional administration fee of €3,500 is charged for the placement of siblings.

Other costs

Other costs include translations, psychological reports, certifications, shipping and local support for the process by our partner organisation. 


Eltern-Kind-Brücke e.V.

International Adoption

Wernher-von-Braun-Str. 18
69214 Eppelheim / Heidelberg

Tel: (06221) 83 31 48 and (06221) 33 94 20

Fax: (06221) 83 31 38
e-mail: info@ekb-pcb.de

Office hours

Mo-Thu: 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m
Wed: 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m and on appointment

Support our work!​​

Become a supporting member of the Parents-Child-Bridge

If you have any questions about international adoptions, please contact us!


Auch im August sind wir für Sie erreichbar. Haben Sie aber bitte Verständnis, dass wir wegen der Sommerferien nicht voll besetzt sind und es passieren kann, dass wir nicht sofort ans Telefon gehen oder dass die Beantwortung Ihrer Emails etwas länger als gewohnt dauert. 
