Eltern-Kind-Brücke e.V.

State-approved International Adoption Service


We urgently need financial support for our parenting counselling, prevention services and crisis intervention programme, as we want to keep the threshold for families in need of counselling as low as possible and are therefore unable to cover our costs. Donations are always welcome!

We also welcome your donation for project funding:

Project 1:    Biography work with adopted children of school age (6 - 12)

Project 2:   Open supervision group for adoptive families

– with children up to 7 years of age

– with children between the ages of 7 and 14

– with children from the age of 14

Project 3:   search for roots

Project 4:   Family activities for adoptive families

Please select one of these projects when making your transfer to our donation account at Sparkasse Heidelberg BLZ 67250020, IBAN: DE25672500200009072551, BIC: SOLADES1HDB.

We also use an unrestricted donation for children and youth work as part of our prevention work.

We need your address so we can send you a receipt. Your donation of up to €200 is tax deductible with a bank transfer voucher without a receipt.


Eltern-Kind-Brücke e.V.

International Adoption

Wernher-von-Braun-Str. 18
69214 Eppelheim / Heidelberg

Tel: 06221 833148 / 339420

Fax: 06221 83 31 38
e-mail: info@ekb-pcb.de


Office hours

Mo. bis Do. : 09:00 – 12:30 Uhr
Wed: 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m and on appointment

Support our work!​​

Become a supporting member of the Parents-Child-Bridge

If you have any questions about international adoptions, please contact us!


Wir freuen uns, dass Thailand die gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe gesetzlich ermöglicht hat und damit auch das Adoptionsrecht für gleichgeschlechtliche Paare. Die Regelungen zur Auslandsadoption sind jedoch noch nicht vollständig geklärt. Derzeit können wir nur Informationsgespräche für Interessenten anbieten und Sie über neue Entwicklungen auf dem Laufenden halten – insbesondere darüber, wann Auslandsadoptionen für gleichgeschlechtliche Paare möglich sein werden.
